Graduate aptitude test in engineering is an examination organized by different IITs. It is majorly concerned with comprehensive understanding of different subjects of engineering, as well as, of science stream and that is why Gate Calculator becomes handy.
Every year, a lot of students who are eager to get admission in post graduation programs of engineering participate in this competitive examination. Final year students or who have completed their BTech, architecture and Master degree from science or equivalent are eligible for this test.
This exam basically checks knowledge of subjects, aptitude and reasoning. GATE examination score is valid for 3 years. This score can be used to get admission in various Indian engineering institutes and it is even used by several public sector companies recruiting engineers. This is a Computer based examination.
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Participants are allowed to carry least objects with them for maintaining sanctity of the examination. Bringing barred items, paper except admit cards and calculators are prohibited. Manual calculators are not allowed inside the premises of examination centers.
But, participants need not worry about this, as virtual calculator will be provided to them at their respective centers. You all must be willing to know, what are virtual calculator? How does it work? How can you use them?
To your eagerness, I must tell that you will get all the necessary information about virtual calculator right here in this article !
What Is Gate Virtual Calculator?
Gate virtual calculator is slightly different from physical calculator. They are available online and it can be easily accessed through computers. Functionally, they work just like manual calculator.
Same operations can be performed on these gate virtual calculator. It can be used anytime during examination. The scientific gate calculator can be used for solving simple operations, complex operations like hyperbolic functions, square root, cube root, trigonometric functions, logarithms and exponential powers.
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There is some history related with these virtual gate calculator. Earlier, participants used the manual calculator but in 2015, the idea for using gate virtual calculator was put forward. And it was implemented in the year 2016 GATE examination. This change was made to reduce the rate of cheating.
Availability Of Gate Calculator Online
Gate virtual calculator is provided to candidates on their computer screen and can be used by accessing the mouse attached. Students are in a habit of using manual calculator and they may face slight difficulties in operating gate calculator online.
These are more time consuming. Also, using a gate virtual calculator for the first time at the very moment of examination, may lead participants to undue stress and a situation of confusion and panic.
For dealing with this, aspirants must have a firm hand on these gate virtual calculator. They must know how to operate gate calculators online. This can only be made by practising on a virtual calculator for GATE. They are available on the official site of GATE itself.
But, before visiting the site you must know, what does that particular calculator look like and functions performed on it ? So, in this article you have some IMPORTANT things to read which are related to virtual calculator for GATE
This is somewhat how an online gate calculator looks like:

- Simple operations can be performed through the keys visible on the right hand side of the gate calculator.
- The keys related to scientific functions and operations are available on the right side of the virtual gate calculator.
- All the trigonometric functions are grouped together on the left side.
- Inverse functions are located just below the respective functions. For example- right below sin function there is sin -1
- Bars on the top will give you an account of your work. One of them tells you about the results of your calculation, while the other will show what you have been typing, for your reference.
- There will be separate keys for inverse functions and hence there will be no requirement of SHIFT and INV keys.
- Hyperbolic functions will also be placed together in the virtual calculator of GATE.
- This special scientific virtual calculator of gate will appear over the question palette on the screen.
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Gate Calculator for PC – Do’s
- One must press [ C ] before beginning every new calculation.
- BODMAS rule must be followed
O- Order
D- Division
M- Multiplication
S- Subtraction - Every equation can be typed simple by using a parenthesis and different operations of mathematics.
- Aspirants can save time by using operations which are clearly given on a gate calculator. For example – log, Exp ,p (Pi) can be used.
- For calculating cumulative totals a special function that is called memory function can be used.
- [ MS] : this key is used for storing typed data into memory.
- [MC] : this key is particularly related with deleting the memory stored.
- [MR] : This recalls the value that is stored in memory.
- [M +] : This is used to add up displayed data or typed value to memory.
- [ M-] : it subtracts the displayed data or typed value from the memory.
- Participants should always remember to select the unit of the angle that is (deg) degree or ( rad) Radian before starting any calculation.
GATE Calculator For PC – Dont’s
- Multiple operations must not be performed all together.
- Care must be taken about balancing parenthesis. As unbalanced parenthesis may lead you to futile calculations and waste your precious time.
- Never press [mod] button. It just shows the mode of calculator i.e (deg) degree or (rad) radian. For changing mods, radio key have to be pressed.
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GATE Scientific Calculator Limitations
- This virtual gate calculator is a non-programmable calculator.
- Keyboard cannot be used for performing calculations.
- Mouse attached to the system can be used performing virtual calculations.
- Quadratic equations cannot be solved through this.
Virtual Calculator For GATE – How to Use?
For learning how to use Gate Calculator, let me help you with an example. Use this sign as a next step to proceed →
Lets say, if you have to evaluate 47 × 10 + 5
Then in Gate calculator follow the mentioned steps –
47 → * → 10 → +→ 5 →= You will see final result updated on bars
Explanation of above : This means enter 47 then press * after that enter 10 then press + and then 5 then at last press = and get final answer
Here are some more examples you can follow to learn how to use the calculator.
Calculations Types | What to evaluate | How this can be done on Gate calculator |
Arithmetic calculation ( +, -, ×,/ ) | • 56×9 + 80 •32 + 25× 8 | • enter 56→then press *→then 9→press + →then enter 80→at the end press = • enter 32 →then press +→enter 25→ press *→then press 8→ at the end press = |
Trigonometric function values sin(degree), cos(degree), etc | • sin (33) or cos(33) or tan (33) • sin(43)×8 +3 | • Enter 33 →sin or 33→cos or 33→ tan •Enter 43 →press sin→ then press *→press 8→+→thenpress 3→at the end press = |
Log function value | •log(24) ×15+5 •In(66)× 4+8 • 11× log 5 (20) | •enter 24→press log→ enter *→then 15→press +→then 5→ at the end press = •enter 66→Press In→then *→press 4→+→press 8→at the end press = for result • enter 11→then *→press 20→log5x→at last press = |
Find factorials(nỊ) or n! | •Factorial(8) • Factorial(6)×8-2 | • Enter 8 →press nỊp or n! • enter 6→ press nỊ or n!→then *→then 8→press -→then press 2→press = at the end press |
Find exponential | • evaluate e 0 • 15× e 6 | •Enter 0→ then ex •enter 15→then press *→enter 6 →press ex→press = to get results |
Find 10x | 44 × 10 5 | Enter 44→press →then press 5→press key 10 x→at the end press = |
Trigonometric function using radian | 50 × tanπ | Enter 50→press π →then press tan→at the end press = |
Cube x3 | 6× 7 3 | Press 6→*→then press 7→ press key of x 3 → at the end press = |
Absolute function |x| | |(-700)| | Press (→press -→ enter 700→then press ) → press |x|→ at the end press = |
Percentage operator % | 50% of 9 | enter 50→press % →then press 9→ at the end press = |
Modulo function | 6 mod 3 [ remainder when 6divided by 3] | press 6→press ‘mod’ given on calculator →press 3→at the end press = |
Reciprocal solving | 1/555 | Enter 555 →press 1/x→at the end press = |
Calculation having constants ( π, e) | • 8 π • 7e + 8 | • press π→press *→then press 8→at the end press = • press 7→press *→then press ‘e’→ press +→then press 8→ at the end press = |
Unary plus and minus (+/-) | 16× -4 × 6 | Enter 16→press *→ then press 4 →press ‘+/-‘ sign→press * →then press 6 →at the end press = |
GATE Calculator Download
These virtual gate calculator seem a bit complicated to first time users but after practicing,one will find it much easier to operate.
For this, there are many options of downloading gate calculator. Some of them will be like that provided to you during your examination. One must try to practice this calculator while solving questions during preparation.
Gate calculator download is made easy from Google play. This can be simply used on an Android phone. Through this, your phone’s screen will be utilized as a virtual calculator or we can say, mobile gets converted into a gate calculator.
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If you are really willing to indulge yourself in a pseudo examination environment during your preparation phase, which is obviously a good move.
Then, one can download a gate calculator for PC. These can be operated by using a computer screen and mouse instead of keyboards. This mode of practising will be much more exam oriented.
There are other forms of calculator also and one must not get confused among them.
Is Calculator allowed in GATE
Yes, this virtual calculator is allowed which you can use only online. This special calculator is related to predicting gate rank on the basis of expected marks which are to be tallied with official answer keys.
This GATE score calculator predicts rank and exam qualifying status by taking average marks and rank of previous years into consideration.
While, qualifying marks and ranks vary from year to year. As this solely depends upon the number of seats and difficulty level of paper. Still, these gate score calculator can provide a very close estimation to your real rank. Links related to the score calculator of GATE get activated soon as the exam is over.
GATE examination official site does not provide such calculator. These are mostly launched by coaching institutes and private analyzing companies.
GATE Percentile Calculator
These special calculators are related to calculating percentiles on the basis of marks obtained. These percentiles can be compared with past few years and estimation of selection can be made.
Nowadays, selection in good colleges is much related to percentiles. Many of the participants know about percentile needed for selection rather than knowing about ranks.
Gate percentile calculator are not launched by the official site for GATE examination. But, these gate percentile calculator, which are bought by private companies and coaching institutions are worth using.
This content is based on the latest information. New contents and information will be added over as soon as it gets updated by authorities. I hope this article will help you in your preparation. Practice well on gate calculator.
And Keep visiting us for the latest updates !
Gate Calculator FAQs
Which calculator is used in GATE examination?
Virtual Scientific GATE calculator are used in examinations . Use of physical calculator is prohibited. They cannot even be bought into the campus. Scientific gate calculator are much like manual calculator in performing operations. They are provided at the examination center itself.
What is a virtual calculator in GATE?
Virtual calculator in GATE is referred to a scientific calculator having all the operations and functions similar to that of physical calculator. They are computer based calculator and they appear on your screen during examination.
What is a virtual calculator?
These are completely software made, computer based calculator. They don’t exist physically. They have all the scientific operations and mathematical functions same as manual or physical calculator. They can be used in phones, laptops or computers. Most of them take input from a mouse only.
How do you solve equations from a virtual calculator?
Solving equations from a virtual calculator is very easy if you start practicing it. It’s slightly different from a normal calculator. For example – for evaluation 18 + 9 you will have to proceed on gate calculator in the following way
Enter 18 then press + then press 9 and at last press = to get final result
Detailed information about this is provided in the article cited above. Please refer to that. I hope that will help.
How to use a virtual calculator?
Using a gate scientific calculator or virtual calculator is very easy. But special emphasis must be laid upon Do’s, don’t and limitations related to it. Gate calculator are present on the screen of the computer and they are to be operated by MOUSE. For carrying out the operations you have to simply use the cursor over screen. For example – for evaluating 5 × 6
Press 5 then press * then press 6 and at the end press = and final answer will be updated on bar.
Gate Calculator (Virtual Calculator for PC) - Tricks to know Percentile, Score Online

Gate Calculator - Know tips and tricks to use Gate Virtual Calculator. This is similar to gate calculator for PC and used as Virtual Calculator for gate exams. The gate percentile calculator is used online and can be downloaded from various sources. It also has scientific calculator built in.
Price Currency: INR
Operating System: Android, iOS, Windows
Application Category: Virtual Calculator